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Gavin Routledge MSc DO(Hons) DipIBLM

Gavin Routledge graduated as Gold Medallist from The British School of Osteopathy (now UCO) in 1991.  Being plagued by lower back pain (LBP) and sciatica for 7 years in his 20s was professionally embarrassing.  But it fuelled him with the passion to question the evidence base of what really worked. 

Gavin has specialised in lower back pain and sciatica ever since.   Having completed a Masters Degree in The Clinical Management of Pain at the University of Edinburgh in 2015, in 2017 Gavin released his 2nd book on lower back pain.  Having published the first with Gavin Hastings OBE in 1997 – The Back Book.  During his MSc, Gavin's final project had 2 strands - 1. scoping and building a course to empower fitness professionals to support LBP sufferers and 2. scoping a digital platform to support LBP sufferers in achieving relief AND prevention. 

Fiona Brown DipPilates, DipYoga, AFAA 

Fiona Brown has worked within the fitness industry since 1986. She is a professionally qualified fitness educator, with industry qualifications as a teacher-trainer, assessor and mentor.

She is best known for training more than 350 Pilates Instructors, has owned/managed three studios and at age 61 qualified as a Hatha Yoga Teacher. She was the founder of a nationally accredited training provider, in Scotland and has more than 12,000 hours of face-to face teacher training to her credit, She now runs the privately owned and independent, Mindful PT Academy.

Fiona is on a mission to educate Fitness Professionals on the subject of exercise for lower back pain and her personal experience of spinal surgery following an accident in 2010, gives her first hand knowledge of how to recover from lower back pain through exercise.

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